Prophet Mark McLean
Mark McLean is the Founder, and Senior Prophet of Ecclesiastic Ministries International. Seven years ago the Lord called him to be a Prophet to the nations and would thus, carry the prophetic mantle.
Prophet Mark has a burning desire and is committed to restoring the five-fold ministry to the body of Christ throughout the nations. In pursuing his prophetic call in the office of the prophet he has impacted many lives through the power of the Holy Spirit in his teachings, preaching, counseling and prophecies. God has used him instrumentally through the gift of prophecy to minister to and advise leaders in the religious, political, and business arenas throughout the Caribbean and the United States of America.
Equipping and helping in the area of knowing God's plans and purposes for their lives as well as their nations. He has a passion to see the poor, fatherless and widows blessed; the sick healed, the hungry fed, and salvation come to all those who believe.